Thursday 30 June 2016



Computer? - Device which store data, process data, access data according to users need.

Computer = Hardware + Software

HardwarePhysical components of computers.

Software Program used to control Hardware.

How Computer Works ?

Input Devices                                      Process Devices                                  Output Devices
Keyboard                                            SMPS                                                  Monitor
Mouse                                                 Mother Board                                     Printer
Scanner                                               Memory
Digital Camera                                    CPU

Note  Output on monitor is called SOFT COPY.
               Output on paper is called HARD COPY.

SMPS (Switch Mode Power Supply)
-          It can called as a power house of computer.
-          It reduce the amount of voltage. (220VAC to 12VDC)
(AC = Alternate Current / DC = Direct Current)

Mother Board / Logic Board / System Board
-          Mother Board get the power supply from SMPS.
-          Other devices get the power supply from mother board.
-          Mother board content other devices.

CPU (Central Processing Unit)
-          Brain of the Computer
-          It Control all devices.

Ports and Connectors

VGA Port15 pin port arranged in 3 rows to connect monitor (CRT- Cathode Ray Tube Monitor)

15 Pin VGA Port

DVI Port  -  24 pin port arranged in 3 rows to connect LCD monitors (LCD – liquid Crystal Display – Lab top Monitor)

24 Pin DVI Port

0 or 1 = bit
 bit is smallest unit of information
8 bit = 1 Byte
1024 bytes = 1 Kilo Byte
1024 KB = 1 Mega Byte
1024 MB = 1 Giga Byte
1024 GB = 1 Tera Byte
 view image
-          Used to connect PS/2 mouse.                                                

6 Pin PS/2 Port

Serial Port / COM Port  -                                                      
-          9 pin connector to connect serial mouse. view                              
-          Port which allow only one bit at a time.                                
-          Used to connect communication device.                               
(COM Port – Communication Port)

9 Pin Serial Port

USB Port

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